
Rights Management
Platform for AI

Creating a secure, sustainable and innovative Musical future

Creating a secure, sustainable and innovative Musical future

For Rights Holders

  • New Revenue

  • Security

  • Control

  • Attribution

  • Analytics

  • New Revenue

  • Security

  • Control

  • Attribution

  • Analytics

For AI Companies

  • Legal

  • Great Music

  • Content Management

  • Rights Management

  • GPU's Ready

  • Legal

  • Great Music

  • Content Management

  • Rights Management

  • GPU's Ready

For The Future

  • Text, Images & Video

  • AI Training Data Detection

  • Text, Images & Video

  • AI Training Data Detection

Our Manifesto

We stand at the cusp of a new era in music. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the essence of music – human creativity – remains respected and recognized.

Musical AI is one of the first companies certified by

“Companies worth billions of dollars are, without permission,training generative AI models on creators’ works, which are then being used to create new content that in many cases can compete with the original works. I don’t see how this can be acceptable in a society that has set up the economics of the creative arts such that creators rely on copyright.”

– Ed Newton-Rex, Fairly Trained CEO

How it Works

Rights Holder

Rights Holder catalogs are stored in Musical AI’s secure infrastructure.

Rights Holder

Rights Holder catalogs are stored in Musical AI’s secure infrastructure.

Rights management system

When granted a license, AI Companies train on rights managed music on our infrastructure with access controls preventing unauthorized use or extraction.

Musical AI reports all generations and artist/song attributions back to the rights holder via proprietary software.

Rights management system

When granted a license, AI Companies train on rights managed music on our infrastructure with access controls preventing unauthorized use or extraction.

Musical AI reports all generations and artist/song attributions back to the rights holder via proprietary software.

AI Company

AI Apps can bring their own model or choose one from Musical AI to train on the best music catalogs in the world.

AI Company

AI Apps can bring their own model or choose one from Musical AI to train on the best music catalogs in the world.

How it Works

Rights Holder

Rights Holder catalogs are stored in Musical AI’s secure infrastructure.

Rights management system

When granted a license, AI Companies train on rights managed music on our infrastructure with no direct access to underlying files.

AI Company

AI Apps can bring their own model or choose one from Musical AI to train on the best music catalogs in the world.

Musical AI reports all generations and artist/song attributions back to the rights holder via proprietary software.

“We’re excited to innovate rapidly in the music AI space. In the near future, distributors and record labels will be glad they took a proactive approach to best-in-class AI music rights protection and monetization on behalf of the music community.”

– Jorge Brea, CEO of Symphonic

“We’re excited to innovate rapidly in the music AI space. In the near future, distributors and record labels will be glad they took a proactive approach to best-in-class AI music rights protection and monetization on behalf of the music community.”

– Jorge Brea, CEO of Symphonic

© SOMMS AI Inc. All rights reserved.

© SOMMS AI Inc. All rights reserved.

© SOMMS AI Inc. All rights reserved.